#IAmEnterprising Ambassadors

#IAmEnterprising Says Katie Pennington Owner of ‘Katie Diane’s Beauty’
Having won Level 2 Beauty Student of the Year Award in 2013 and Level 3 Nail Technology Special Recognition Award of 2014 Katie wanted to utilise her skills to set up a thriving beauty business. ‘Katie Diane’s Beauty’ is going from strength to strength, now renting a room at Zara Jones Hairdressing in Liverpool.  Read more of her story here...

#IAmEnterprising Says Huyton Hat Designer Enola Wade
Having studied millinery at City of Liverpool College Enola went on to establish her business 'Enosa Rose Designs' creating a range of eye catching hats and head scarves.  Her amazing designs have caught the eye of a number of high profile people, including Paloma Faith who tweeted Enola to let her know she was a fan.  Read more about Enola's business here...

#IAmEnterprising Says Creative Owner of The Button Boutique Gemma Longworth
Gemma credits her Art and Design studies at City of Liverpool College as helping her to learn her craft. Now running her own art and craft studio 'The Button Boutique' Gemma has gone full circle, now sharing her skills and passion with other budding crafters. Read more of her story here...

#IAmEnterprising Says Author Wendy Lavin
Former City of Liverpool College Student Wendy used her enterprising ideas and own experiences to become a published author and a coach. Now working for The Houses of Parliament as a Regional Education Outreach Officer as well as running her own business and promoting her book Wendy has created a positive future for herself.  Read Wendy's inspirational story here...